Black Pepper

Piper nigrum
Il pepe nero è la spezia per eccellenza, la più usata e diffusa al mondo, dalla storia complessa e affascinante.
Inconfondibile e leggermente piccante, il pepe va macinato sul momento per mantenere intatto il suo ricco aroma. I grani interi sono usati nella preparazione di formaggi e salumi, e arricchiscono brodi, sottaceti e conserve di verdure.

Attenzione, il pepe bianco non è una pianta differente, bensì viene ottenuto dai semi della stessa pianta del pepe nero, privati del pericarpo.
Ha sapore simile al pepe nero, ma più delicato, e lo sostituisce in piatti dal colore bianco come creme e minestre.

Black Pepper - All recipes

20 results

Berberè (Recipe - Ethiopia)
Toast the cumin seeds, cardamon pods, coriander seeds, cloves and peppercorns in a pan for 1 minute. Crush all the spiced together with a...

Biriani (Stew) (Recipe - Kenya)

Meat broth (Recipe)

Dukkah (Recipe - Egypt)
Toast the almonds and pistachio nuts in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes. Toast the coriander seeds, cumin seeds, and sesame seeds in a pan...

Garam Masala (Recipe - India)
In a pan, toast cumin seeds, coriander seeds, cardamom pods and black peppercorns for 10 minutes. Let cool. Grind all ingredients...

Lemon Pepper (Recipe)
Mince the lemon zest with the peppers, using the mezzaluna or the food processor. Put the minced zest on a plane surface, and sprinkle...

Mulligatawny (Recipe - India)
Step-by-step recipe.

Omelette with black pepper (Recipe - Ancient Egypt)
Beat the eggs with milk and olive oil. Heat some oil in a frying pan, pour the egg mixture, cover and cook 5 minutes. Don't turn the...

Panpepato fruitcake (Recipe)

Vindaloo curry paste (Recipe - India)
Toast cumin, coriander, mustard, fenugreek seeds and black peppercorns in a small pan, then grind finely. Add red pepper, turmeric powder...

Peppery mussels (Pepata) (Recipe)

Marinated fish with lemon pepper (Recipe)
Mince the lemon zest with the peppers, using the mezzaluna or the food processor. Put the minced zest on a plane surface, and sprinkle...

Curry powder (Recipe - India)
Toast the coriander, cumin, wild fennel, fenugreek and black mustard seeds, the black pepper corns, the chili (stems removed), the cardamom...

Sambar Powder (Recipe - India)
In a pan, toast all ingredients separately (except turmeric powder). Grind all ingredients together, and store in a jar.

Cajun spices (Recipe - Cajun)
Grind the pepper. Mix all ingredients and store in a jar.

Panpepato spices (Recipe)
Mix all spices together. Store in a jar.

Ta’liya (Recipe - Egypt)
Chop the peeled garlic. Mix all ingredients. Heat for three minutes in a pan.

Chickpeas flour chips with thyme (Recipe)
Mix chickpeas flour with the water, breaking the lumps. Brush with oil a muffin baking pan and pour a spoonful of the dough in each...

Masala tea (Recipe - India)
Open the cardamom seeds and mix all spices together. Prepare the tea like you normally do. Add the spices a few minutes before...

Pumpkin with Honey (Recipe)