
Ocymum basilicum
Erba aromatica
Il suo nome deriva dal greco basilikos, a indicare che questa pianta era degna dei re, e ciò serve a farci un'idea di come fosse tenuto in alta considerazione nell'antichità.
Ingrediente principale del pesto alla genovese, il basilico fresco è usato in insalate e altri piatti estivi e mediterranei, soprattutto sposato al pomodoro.
Può essere conservato per l'uso invernale tritato e surgelato in cubetti, mentre essiccato perde parte del suo aroma e è usato solo in misti di erbe aromatiche.

Esistono numerosissime cultivar di basilico, alcune differenti solo nella forma e dimensione delle foglie, altre con aroma completamente diverso, come il basilico limone, il basilico cannella, il basilico liquirizia, o il delizioso basilico marsigliese con una forte componente floreale.

Basil - All recipes

39 results

Green rice boats (Recipe)
Cook the rice and drain well. Set aside. Boil the spinach and drain well. Blend with basil, almonds, walnuts and garlic. Season the rice...

Greek calzone (Recipe)

Borek (Green Panzarotti) (Recipe - Turkey)
Step-by-step recipe.

Checca sul Rogo pasta (Recipe)
Mince finely the herbs, garlic and hot pepper with the mezzaluna. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes. Boil salted water. Add the spaghetti...

Savory cheesecake with rocket (Recipe)

Pasta with walnut pesto (Recipe)

Cheese and Basil Conchiglie pasta (Recipe)
Cook the conchiglie in boiling salted water, then drain them well. Mince together the aromatic herbs: basil, garlic, nira, celery and red...

Herbal Cream cheese (Recipe)
Mince together the herbs and the clove garlic, using the mezzaluna or a blender. Mix with the cream cheese. Herbal Cream Cheese can be...

Aromatic Herbs Crepes with Pancetta (Recipe)
Step-by-step recipe.

Fish culbiac (Recipe)
Step-by-step recipe.

Aromatic pasta with asparagus (Recipe)
Cut asparagus into 5mm slices. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add asparagus slices, cook over low heat 20 minutes, until...

Aromatic herbs cheese (Recipe)
Mince the aromatic herbs and clove garlic. Pour the oil in a small bown and add the minced herbs. Cut the fontina cheese into 1cm...

Sausage and Asparagus omelette (Recipe)

Green beans pasta with Bacon (Recipe)

Hummus (Chickpeas Puree) (Recipe - Egypt)
Blend all ingredients (except khobz bread) in a food processor until thick and creamy. Serve at room temperature, with toasted khobz bread.

Grilled Tuna salad (Recipe)
Cook the tuna on grill or barbecue, brushing it with olive oil and lemon juice. Skin and debone the fish. Peel and cut the cucumbers into...

Ragout lasagna with radicchio (Recipe)
Step-by-step recipe.

Herb Kuku (Baked omelette) (Recipe - Iran)
Beat the eggs with the baking powder, cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, rose petals and black pepper. Mince together fenugreek, garlic and...

Cinnamon basil pancakes (Recipe)
Toast the oatmeal for five minutes, then mince them with a food processor. Beat the egg with the milk and the baking powder, then add the...

Herbed millet bread (Recipe)
Mix the dry yeast with the sugar, then add some spoonful of warm water and wait until it becomes foamy. Beat the eggs with the single...

Parmigiana (Aubergine pie) (Recipe)

Fiery mushroom pasta (Recipe)
Fry minced garlic and sliced peppers in a pan with one tablespoon of olive oil. Reconstitute the dried mushrooms by cover them with...

Pasta alla Norma (with Aubergines) (Recipe - Italy: Sicily)
Cut the aubergines lengthways in long slices about 1/2 cm thick. Put the slices in a bowl with salted water, cover and press under...

Pasta with almond pesto (Recipe)
Grind the almonds finely with the basil, rosemary, sun-dried tomatoes and garlic. Add the olive oil, grated parmesan and mix well. Cook...

Baked pasta Norma (Recipe)
Cut the aubergines lengthways in long slices about 1/2 cm thick. Put the slices in a bowl with salted water, cover and press under...

Green curry with potatoes (Recipe - Thailand)
Chop together the green chilies, garlic, ginger, coriander, nira and lemon grass, then fry for a few minutes in a large pan with a...

Pesto sauce (Recipe - Italy: Liguria)
Mince all ingredients in a food processor, slowly adding the olive oil, until smooth. Cover leftovers with olive oil and keep in the...

Taste party single course (Recipe)

Broken pizza (Recipe)
Using a heavy rolling pin (or dough sheeter), roll the dough out very thin. Cut into diamonds and put in a greased baking pan. Bake in...

Chicken meatballs with egg sauce (Recipe)
Put the broth ingredients in a pot and cook low heat for three hours. Filter the broth and set aside. Remove the rosemary sprig and mince...

Pork Meatballs (Recipe - Thailand)

Spinach quesadillas (Recipe)

Aromatic Risotto (Recipe)
Fry sliced onions in butter in a large pan until transparent. Meanwhile wash and mince the aromatic herbs. Put the rice in the pan, stir...

Pork stuffed turnovers (Recipe)
Step-by-step recipe.

Aubergines and cream spaghetti (Recipe)

Chicken and Sweet potatoes with Couscous (Recipe)

Tortellini pasta with Aromatic Herbs (Recipe)
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil, add tortellini and cook until al dente. Meanwhile heat the ricotta cheese and milk in a pot,...

Zucchini and Flowers Tortellini pasta (Recipe)
Fry the garlic in olive oil, then remove it. Put the zucchini cut into thin slices and radicchio cut into stripes into the pan. Cook for 10...

Chocolate and Cinnamon Basil Patties (Recipe)
Combine the manitoba flour, sugar and melted butter. Dissolve the baking powder in the milk and add to the batter. Spoon the batter into...